Thursday, May 14, 2015

Our Very Own Hungry Caterpillars!

For the past few weeks we have been observing our very own butterfly life cycle. We received baby caterpillars and have watched them grow into large caterpillars, forming cocoons and finally turning into butterflies! We also said farewell to them as we set them free. It was very exciting!
Thank you to Brandon for bringing in a coloring sheet for this topic. We had fun learning and coloring about it. 


Kindergarten is learning about Money. We discuss the various coins, who's on them, their color, how much they are worth and anything else we notice about them. The children know what heads and tails mean when referring to a coin.
We have done various activities to reinforce what we learned.

Below the children are having a money coin scavenger hunt around the room. The children were given a certain coin to find and had to ignore the others.

Below the children are recording heads and tails. They threw 5 coins in the air and wrote down how many heads and how many tails there were. This helped them review their math facts and came up with various ways of making 5. 

Below the children are playing,Would You Rather? Morah wrote two different sums of money and the children had to pick the one with the higher value.

Happy Birthday David & Avigail!

This month we celebrated David and Avigail's birthdays! At each party we gave special birthday wishes, gave tzedakah, danced and ate yummy cake. Thank you to both David's Mom and Avigail's mom and sister for coming to celebrate! We had so much fun!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Health month

For Health Month we had so many exciting events. We had an eye doctor come visit. Dr. Michelle Margulis came to explain what she does as an eye doctor, taught the children some special vocabulary words she uses in her every day work life as well as allowed the children to use some equipment. Thank you for coming to visit our class. It was so insightful and the children truly enjoyed it!

Funny Food Art came as well. It's a program run by Bill and Claire Wurtzel. They show children that they can be creative with their healthy food in order to made make funny looking food to eat. Below are some of his creations. For more information on this program please visit

Finally we had the Juice Bar! This allowed the children to understand that we need both fruit and vegetables in our daily diet. A good way to hide a veggie our body needs but don't necessarily like is to make a juice drink! It was an eye opening experience for the children.